Journey to a Better You: Simple Steps for Genuine Transformation
Are you stuck in a rut, yearning for transformation but unsure where to start? You're not alone, [...]
Creating Unforgettable Moments with Your Grandkids: Fun and Safe Activities for Grandparents
In today's fast-paced world, spending quality time with your grandkids is a precious opportunity. Grandparents play a [...]
Ride the Wave . . . a meditation
RIDE THE WAVE . . . a meditation Settle yourself into a comfortable position. Give yourself [...]
Love For Others . . . a meditation
LOVE FOR OTHERS . . . a meditation Settle yourself into a comfortable position. As you [...]
Self Love . . . a meditation
SELF LOVE . . . a meditation Settle yourself into a comfortable position. As you walk [...]
Barefoot on Holy Ground
When I was in my interfaith seminary program in New York City that began in 2006, I fell [...]