How We Love II

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Event Series Event Series: How We Love II

Unity How We Love Event

Co-facilitated by Marypatriece Raupp and Rev. Tom Wendt.

The class is based on the book “How We Love” with material provide by the authors Milan and Kay Yerkovich, therapists who have been successfully using this approach to relationships for over fifteen years.

This interactive class is geared toward couples, singles, and divorcees.  Discover your are not  alone in your relationship struggles.  Gain a clear understanding why relationships can be challenging and what to do to create the clear, safe, supportive communication.  We will focus on the Comfort Circle, the foundation of healthy relationships, starting with the first class. We will also learn about our triggers and how to neutralize them and set the foundation for a healthy relationship.

Class limited to 18 attendees.  Fee is non-refundable. Participation in How We Love I is not required.  Book and workbook included.  $20 Early Bird discount until 8/30/19

Cost:  Single $169  Couple is $154 per person

Classes begin on Friday Sept. 20 and run once a week through Nov. 15

Sign up link:

Contact: Marypatriece Raupp-  847-997-2997


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