Open the Gate: A five-week primer on living the basics of prosperity

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Want to find more abundance in your life?  Ready to understand the principles that underlie prosperity?  This series of classes will help you to develop and experience more abundance through practical principles that work with the flow of life rather than against it, improve relationships, support your success, and increase your sense of security!  Join now to change your life!

Cost to Participants: Offered on a free-will love offering basis.

Same class offered twice weekly you decide which to attend.

In person on Sundays!
11:30A to 1:00P
Starting September 8
Final class October 6

Join us in our “Power” room.

Zoom on Wednesdays!
7P to 8:30P
Starting September 11
Final class October 9

Sign up here:

Rev Tom Wendt

Facilitated by Rev Tom

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