Planet Palooza 2023

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PLANET PALOOZA” is an outdoor event aimed at ways to “Make our planet a better place to live

McHenry County Non-Profit Groups/Organizations that address Environmental issues, groups that advocate for Diversity & Equality, groups that combat Hunger, Homelessness, Domestic violence, Drug addiction, Human trafficking, Suicide, Gun Violence etc, as well as those groups who provide other essential services to our growing & diverse communities will all be exhibiting.
Groups will have information booths with demonstrations and activities set up along the walkways on the square so that visitors can get more information on ways that we all can help them to continue their great & necessary work here in our county!

Come by and check out our booth!

Information Sessions with Guest Speakers – 11am-1pm

LIVE MUSIC & FOOD TRUCKS on the square – 2pm-6pm
Family friendly event with activities for all ages!!

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