Spiritual Economics Prosperity Class

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Event Series Event Series: Spiritual Economics Prosperity Class

This class will show you how to increase your prosperity based on the book Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth.

Want to find more abundance in your life?  Ready to understand the principles that underlie prosperity?  This course will help you to develop and experience more abundance through practical principles that work with the flow of life rather than against it, improve relationships, support your success, and increase your sense of security!  Join now to change your life!

We will discuss Chapter One the first week and continue through the book.  This 8-week course will meet weekly on Thursday evenings virtually on Zoom.

Cost to Participants:   Tithing (10%) of all monies which come to you such as income, gift, or winnings.  Tithe Donation Link

Study Materials: Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth Book Details on Amazon Smile

($13.49 for paperback, $8.49 Kindle)  Amazon Smile

Please complete the registration: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Rev Anne

Facilitator: Rev. Ann B. Schmitt

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