Sunday Service

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Speakers: Rev. Marypatriece Wendt and Rev. Tom Wendt
Talk Title:· Life in the rear view mirror
Music: Lori Gray Muligano will complement the talk with timely musical selections.

Join our in-person gathering on Sunday mornings, or enjoy our connecting experience for virtual attendees by livestreaming our services via Facebook Live page and the recording later on our YouTube channel.  While we have eliminated our in-person policies of masking, those who wish to exercise their choice to continue to mask are welcome to.  Social distancing during church services is recommended.

This Sunday we will have a  designated time to honor special souls that have impacted our ministry during our talk and with a time of:



Following our Sunday service, Memorial Plaques will be displayed in the sanctuary until 11:30 a.m. in remembrance of:

David Carlson
Jack Moriarity
Jacob Cichy
Mike Tinling
Jim Graff
Waynona Positeri

Come away, rest for a moment, and hold them in the solitude of your heart. Then, join us for light refreshments in Fellowship Hall and our West Wing.

Then at 11:30am, we will officially dedicate the room, Love, as our New Lending Library in honor of one of our above congregants, Jack Moriarity.  A special thanks goes out to Linda Peterson, Stan and Mary Perrin for organizing and categorizing all the books in the Lending Library!


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