I’m walking in the door for my first time at this place called Unity. I was invited by a friend who called and asked me to come. I surprised her by saying “Yes.” So here I am inside the building. I didn’t know what to expect. But now I am being greeted by complete strangers who are genuinely warm and welcoming. My friend and I walk together up the stairs to the right and through the doors into the main sanctuary, and proceed to find a place to sit. Contemporary music is playing by a small group on stage, and it sounds pretty good. Soon we are greeted by the spiritual leader who gives us all a warm welcome, and says some words to prep us for the talk of the day. As the service continues to unfold it begins to peak my curiosity. I find my heart is opening at times, and I’m feeling that maybe there is something here for me–maybe something for me that could make a difference for my life. Maybe it could possibly make a Big difference.
I look around me at all the people here and I see smiling faces and happy people who truly love being here. I just can’t believe that these people that I’ve never met before can touch my heart in this very special way that, until now, I have never felt. Afterward we head into the Fellowship Hall for a light snack, coffee and a time to meet others. Again I am amazed at how these people, who thirty minutes ago didn’t know my name or who I am, are treating me as if I’m one of them. I leave feeling rejuvenated and fortunate that I made the decision to say “Yes.” Unity is a new experience for me . . . one that I look forward to having again.
by Tony DeMay