Men’s Group
Bobby's Barrel 35009 N Gilmer Rd, Volo, ILMen's Group meets for lunch at Bobby's Barrel in Volo! Come enjoy good eats and conversation!
Men's Group meets for lunch at Bobby's Barrel in Volo! Come enjoy good eats and conversation!
Speakers: Rev. Tom Wendt Talk Title:· You are the Light of the World Music: Lori Gray Muligano or Ken Johnson will complement the talk with timely musical selections. Join in-person on Sunday mornings, or join by live-streaming via Facebook [...]
Would you like to add joy to your holiday season while adding joy to others' too? 🎁 In support of NAMI, we'll set up an assembly line in Fellowship to pack 100 gift bags for individuals hospitalized due to [...]
Outdoor Christmas Caroling, dress warmly. Song books will be provided. Enter on the north side of "The Chapel" church. Park in rear of building. Bring family and friends, anyone who wants to sing. All are welcome.
We'll explore the meaning and history of KWANZAA, an African American cultural holiday. It's a relatively new celebration dating back to 1966 about family, community and being together. It's actually a seven-day celebration, which we'll condense into a Sunday service [...]
Speakers: Rev. Tom Wendt Talk Title: Burning Bowl Service Music: Ken Johnson will complement the talk with timely musical selections. This is our annual ceremony of releasing thoughts, habits, and patterns that no longer serve us. It's a time [...]
Speakers: Rev. Tom Wendt Talk Title: Sacred Stone Service Music: Ken Johnson will complement the talk with timely musical selections. Our annual "Setting our intention" service. We set our intention for the upcoming year to welcome the gifts the Universe [...]
Speakers: Rev. Tom Wendt Talk Title:· TBD Music: Lori Gray Muligano or Ken Johnson will complement the talk with timely musical selections. Join in-person on Sunday mornings, or join by live-streaming via Facebook Live, or watch our recordings later at [...]
Speakers: Rev. Tom Wendt Talk Title:· TBD Music: Lori Gray Muligano or Ken Johnson will complement the talk with timely musical selections. Join in-person on Sunday mornings, or join by live-streaming via Facebook Live, or watch our recordings later at [...]
Speakers: Rev. Tom Wendt Talk Title:· TBD Music: Lori Gray Muligano or Ken Johnson will complement the talk with timely musical selections. Join in-person on Sunday mornings, or join by live-streaming via Facebook Live, or watch our recordings later at [...]
A Sit, Serve, and Socialize Volunteer Event We'll have fun as we sign Valentines Cards with a loving signature line to bring joy to our temporarily homeless brothers and sisters at PADS. We’ll meet in Fellowship after the Sunday [...]
Speakers: Rev. Tom Wendt Talk Title:· TBD Music: Lori Gray Muligano or Ken Johnson will complement the talk with timely musical selections. Join in-person on Sunday mornings, or join by live-streaming via Facebook Live, or watch our recordings later at [...]