If you have a joy or celebration – or perhaps a heavy heart…
Our Unity family stands ready to support you in prayer. Unity offers several ways to help you experience the power of prayer.
Affirmative Prayer
Affirmative prayer is what Jesus taught when he said, “So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours” (Mark 11:24). Focusing on a positive outcome rather than a negative situation, affirmative prayer invites you to connect with the spirit of God within and to hold a positive belief about the desired outcome.
For example, if one were to pray traditionally, one might say: “Please God, help me find a job.” By contrast, an affirmative prayer might be: “I am now guided to my right and perfect employment.” The focus is on the desired state and affirms this desired intention “as if already happened”. Affirmative prayer reflects the certainty that we are each being led to our highest good, despite any temporary appearances.
We pray to align ourselves with God and to allow ourselves to be inwardly guided to that good. Through affirmative prayer, we help co-create the good that is possible in our lives. We can visualize and plan for the future with faith that the power of God is continually blessing our lives with unlimited possibilities. In faith, we pray giving thanks in advance that the Universe is meeting our every need.
a Prayer Chaplain
A Prayer Chaplain from our ministry is available to support you on your spiritual journey. A Prayer Chaplain is…
- Someone who creates and holds sacred spiritual space.
- Someone who lovingly listens and holds what is heard in the strictest of confidence.
- Someone who prays from the heart with others.
Our Prayer Chaplains are trained to hold spiritual space, listen and pray while holding all in confidence. Prayer Chaplains are not trained to go out and “minister” to the community-at-large, but are trained as a lay resource.

our Prayer Team

The Prayer Team is a group of volunteers who will support you in confidential affirmative prayer. Congregants may write their prayer request on the form provided at the prayer station just outside the main door to the sanctuary at Unity Spiritual Center of Woodstock. The form is then placed in the prayer box so it can be added to a confidential list that is passed along to the members of the Prayer Team and also sent to Silent Unity at Unity Village (see below) and prayed over for 30 days.
Silent Unity 24/7
Silent Unity is available right now to talk and pray with you. Silent Unity prays affirmatively, believing that God is everywhere present and active in and through all lives, and serves with sensitivity, compassion, and confidentiality. From the moment a prayer request is received, the sender is lovingly enfolded in prayer for 30 days. Call: 1-800-NOW-PRAY (1-800-669-7729), or click here. Silent Unity serves people of all faiths from all parts of the world.

Daily Word Affirmations
The Daily Word offers insight and inspiration to help people of all faiths live healthy, prosperous and meaningful lives. Affirmations are positive statements of Truth. Each time we pray affirmatively, we are lifted into a consciousness of Oneness, calling forth the divine activity within us.